Friday, October 10, 2008

9/11 Truther attacks me

MoltenMetalSmokingGun is an average YouTuber. His real name is Frinkelstein, but that name has been banned from YouTube do to Terms Of Service for violations. He goes by many names on YouTube, but insist that 9/11 was an "Inside Job". He even went as far as attacking me on another blog (link provided under "9/11 Truthers Attacking the Innocent"), just because I've proved him wrong.

How is it that people like MoltenMetalSmokingGun can attack people just because they've been proved wrong? Why do those type of people need to feed other people with their disinformation about 9/11?

I can tell you how and why:
They crave attention from outside sources and other people. They would do anything to keep their friends, even to go as far as lying about 9/11 and spread gossip about facts to which aren't true.

MoltenMetalSmokingGun is even attacking religion. As we look into history we find that that kind of attack is what the Nazis did in WWII. The Nazis exterminated the Jewish people because they thought that they were less than human. So I would like to believe that MoltenMetalSmokingGun is sliding towards to what a Nazi would think.

I'm just doing this to prove that I can dish it out and take it in, but can MoltenMetalSmokingGun do the same?

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