Monday, October 13, 2008

Truther Anom01y's statements on YouTube!

As of a few minutes ago I have disabled comments to non-friends due to the spam produced by whyaskquestions (soon to be removed).I made the following arguments to whyaskquestions, and they where not answered, only ignored.a) a small office fire within WTC7 causing the seperation of every steel beam connection from eachother simultaneously.b) why near zero resistance was encountered during the collapse of WTC7c) why no other building has collapsed at NEAR FREE FALL GRAVITATIONAL SPEED due to a SMALL OFFICE FIRE, in the history of steel framed buildings."

He calls my evidence "spam". Typical 9/11 Truther will do that when they're faced with the facts and evidence. I've answered all of his arguements and they're all in his comment section. Here's the evidence that I answered all of his arguements (PS: He'll delete them so I'll save them on here.):

"WhyAskQuestions (48 minutes ago)
"please explain the story produced by Barry Jenkins, who happened to be in WTC7 prior to the collapse of WTC1 and 2, who states having experienced explosions within WTC7."There were no explosives inside WTC7. The only thing he probably heard were the computer monitors blowing up and the diesel fuel tanks that were in the basement.

anom01y (50 minutes ago)
please explain the story produced by Barry Jenkins, who happened to be in WTC7 prior to the collapse of WTC1 and 2, who states having experienced explosions within WTC7.

WhyAskQuestions (53 minutes ago)
"it will twist and bend, yes, after sustained periods of exposure to extreme temperatures"So you agree that fire can and will bend and warp steel? So what you say is that fire actually caused WTC 7 to collapse?

WhyAskQuestions (54 minutes ago)
That's what you 9/11 Truthers like to do with us innocent people. You try to strip our rights away when you're proved wrong and you can't admit it.

anom01y (55 minutes ago)
it will twist and bend, yes, after sustained periods of exposure to extreme temperatures, but a near free fall collapse ? your side of the argument is not quite clear.

WhyAskQuestions (56 minutes ago)
"next time you will be banned."Because you're the one treading on my rights and I proved you wrong from the start of this debate? Or is it that you're too scared to admit you're wrong?

WhyAskQuestions (57 minutes ago)
"so when did they start teaching physics, steel framed construction, and the rate at which they should fall at, to firefighters?"Why don't you do the right thing and become a firefighter to find out? You can talk the talk but you can't walk the walk with us firefighters. Too scared or just too fucking lazy?

anom01y (58 minutes ago)
Again? There was no free fall. No evidence to support it.I REPEAT FOR THE MANY MANY MANY TIMESNEAR FREE FALL SPEED COLLAPSE: within a few seconds thereof, implying near zero resistance during the collaps.nice play on words. keep trying, next time you will be banned.

WhyAskQuestions (59 minutes ago)
"And fire is an enemy to steel structures. "another beautiful claim made by you"Claim? It's a known fact! Have you ever taken an iron or steel rod and placed it over a campfire? Have you ever watched as it bent and warped from the heat?

anom01y (59 minutes ago)
so when did they start teaching physics, steel framed construction, and the rate at which they should fall at, to firefighters?

WhyAskQuestions (39 minutes ago)
"do you just make this stuff up ? or are you spoon fed this brainwashing information by your superiors ?"What does an office have in it dumbass? Are there computers and computer monitors and everything else in an office that can cause an explosion? Sorry! I'm not as "spoon fed" as you are. I've taken my daily dose of reality. However you've taken your daily dose of stupidity, which is quite apparent because you refute the evidence. And attacking me because I'm a firefighter proves that you're arrogant, ignorant and self-centered. If I were to bump into you, a few of my firefighter buddies would just love to talk with you about everything.

anom01y (40 minutes ago)
You did agree with me anyways. Saying "NO!" means only your defeat.? ok that is what you would like to think"A small fire, if sustained long enough, can and will cause steel to bend and warp. Even if it is a small office fire it can and will happen. I've seen it, you haven't!"you've seen another building collapse at NEAR FREE FALL GRAVITATIONAL SPEED due to a SMALL OFFICE FIRE ?

anom01y (43 minutes ago)
"he probably heard were the computer monitors blowing up and the diesel fuel tanks that were in the basement"do you just make this stuff up ? or are you spoon fed this brainwashing information by your superiors ?

WhyAskQuestions (43 minutes ago)
You did agree with me anyways. Saying "NO!" means only your defeat."a small office fire cannot cause the seperation of the connections of every steel beam of the structure SIMULTANEOUSLY. This has NEVER HAPPENED in the history of steel framed buildings."A small fire, if sustained long enough, can and will cause steel to bend and warp. Even if it is a small office fire it can and will happen. I've seen it, you haven't!

anom01y (46 minutes ago)
"So you agree that fire can and will bend and warp steel? So what you say is that fire actually caused WTC 7 to collapse?" NO. a small office fire cannot cause the seperation of the connections of every steel beam of the structure SIMULTANEOUSLY. This has NEVER HAPPENED in the history of steel framed buildings."

The evidence that I've argued and debated with him. It's quite clear that he's trying to get out of a situation that he put himself into.

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