Tuesday, October 14, 2008

9/11 Truther Timothy S. McNiven Gives Up


Here's the letter:

"After years of looking for a person in the 9-11 truth movement who is interested in the Truth about US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge I have given up because there is not one person in what is called the 9-11 truth movement that is interested in the Truth; all they want to do is write a book about their "personal opinion" (I think it was done this way but I don't know for sure but pay me for my guessing anyway), put together a movie and do a speaking tour to make a Million Dollars. So, I am now looking outside of the 9-11 truth movement for someone who is interested in the Truth and since you have been Censored by those who call themselves the 9-11 truth movement, I guess that is you. In 2003 I provided Testimony for the Ellen Mariani RICO Lawsuit that was filed by Phil Berg against the Bush administration; my 1976 US Military Study to Improve US Air Travel Security information is Count III of the Lawsuit text. (pages 25 to 27)

In the first paragraph of my Affidavit I identify myself as the United States Defense Department Agent I am and both US Federal Judge Rebreno and US Attorney General John Ashcroft accepted my Testimony as being True.
Federal Judge Rebreno being the Judge who's US Federal Court I Testified for had the responsibility of making sure "No" Crimes were committed in his US Federal Court to include "Impersonating a Federal Agent" that was a Federal Felony even before the Patriot Act and US Attorney General John Ashcroft who was responsible for Prosecuting all US Federal Criminal cases didnot have me Arrested or even Questioned about my committing the US Federal Felony of "Impersonating a US Federal Agent" when I Testified for US Federal Court that I am a US Federal Agent. Meaning that the US Government accepted as being True my US Federal Court Testimony that I am a US Federal Agent (For Kevin Barrett's claim that I did not tell the Truth in my US Federal Court Testimony; the US Government would not in "9-11 truth movement Police State" post 9-11-01 America know who their US Federal Agents are. Do you believe the US Government does not know who their US Federal Agents are as Kevin Barrett claims?) because US Federal Law gave Federal Judge Rebreno and US Attorney General John Ashcroft the "Official" US Government Legal Opinion about whether or not I told the Truth in my US Federal Court Testimony. Pretty simple Legal reasoning, isn't it? But yet to this day the Political Agenda people of the 9-11 truth movement like Kevin Barrett and Drew Noftel claim that I didnot tell the Truth in my US Federal Court Testimony. But, when I ask them to produce the US Federal Law that states that the "personal opinion" of Kevin Barrett and Drew Noftel supersedes US Federal Law and the Official US Government Legal Decisions of the only two people on Earth that US Federal Law gives an Official US Government Opinion to US Federal Judge Rebreno and US Attorney General John Ashcroft as to whether or not I told the Truth in my US Federal Court Testimony they "Refuse" to do so. Kevin Barrett's and Drew Noftel's "Refusal" to back up what they say with US Federal Law and Physical Evidence proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that what is called the 9-11 truth movement is a total and complete "Fraud".

What Kevin Barrett, Drew Noftel and the rest of the 9-11 truth movement calls an investigation has nothing to do with the investigative process. I am an Investigative Agent for the Department of Defense (just because I have Heart Disease does not mean I am not a US Federal Agent it only means that I have Heart Disease, Kevin and Drew) and when you conduct an investigation you obtain all of the information that you possibly can "first", then you review it and only then do you make assumptions about it. Not what Kevin Barrett, Drew Noftel and the rest of the 9-11 truth movement has done which is to start with their Political Agenda "personal opinion" and then create or make up information to support their Political Agenda and to Censor all information that doesnot fit into their Political Agenda.

Both Kevin Barrett and Drew Noftel as well as every other person who calls themselves a 9-11 truther has "Refused" to meet me on stage in Public to explain why their "personal opinion" supersedes US Federal Law. (Note: Drew Noftel is a Canadian Citizen who claims his Canadian Citizen's "personal opinion" supersedes US Federal Law.)

A remedy for what is called the 9-11 truth movement is for you to contact them, to include contacting their websites, their radio shows (I would love to confront Kevin Barrett about his Censorship of my information but he "Refuses" to have me on his radio show.) and their personal email address' and ask them these questions: Why have you Censored US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge that has been proven to be True in US Federal Court? ; Will you meet US Federal Agent McNiven on stage in public to explain why your "personal opinion" supersedes US Federal Law? And keep asking them every day until they produce the US Federal Law that says their "personal opinion" supersedes US Federal Law and that they will meet me on stage in Public to explain why their "personal opinion" supersedes US Federal Law.

I have also challenged Luke Rudkowski and his We Are Change cameramen to come to Bellingham,Wa so that I can ask Luke straight to his face to produce the US Federal Law that says his "personal opinion" supersedes US Federal Law and Luke Rudkowski and his We Are Change group has "Refused" every request to confront me face to face and produce the Physical Evidence that proves what they say. This is further proof that the 9-11 truth movement is nothing but a "Fraud". They make outlandish claims like the supermarket tabloids and then "never" back up their claims with physical evidence; they just run away like Cowards and then demand that other people give them Money for their "Promised" US Federal Court case that in 2006 when they submitted their Evidence to have a Grand Jury convened it was found to "Not" be credible enough to convene a Grand Jury for and have "Refused" to Publicly release why the Judge ruled their so said Evidence wasn't credible. (not good for Cash Contribution collection, I guess)

If the people who are not part of what is called the 9-11 truth movement confronts them (the 9-11 truth movement) with US Federal Law in concerns to their "personal opinion" and their Censorship of proven to be True in US Federal Court US Government 9-11-01 prior knowledge this should bring this 9-11 truth movement "Fraud" to an end.

The additional information that the other members of C-Battery have about the Study especially the Sergeants and Officers is the information that you have been asking for; just how much prior knowledge did the US Government have? Since my Testimony was proven to be True by the "Official" US Government Legal Decisions of Federal Judge Rebreno and US Attorney General John Ashcroft the Testimony of the other participants will also be True. Due to my Heart Disease my effort to locate these people hasnot been fruitful and since the 9-11 truth movement has Censored my information totally and completely (recently Fraiser Valley 9-11 truth.org the only 9-11 truth website that had posted my information has pulled it from the internet) the search for them has been delayed and their information kept from the people who "want" their information by Kevin Barrett, Drew Noftel and the rest of the 9-11 truth movement.

If there is anyone who is interested in the truth you need to locate these people who took part in the Study for their information; in my effort to find them I tracked Lt.Teague down to the US Army Rangers Association that he belonged to but he was afraid of retaliation to come forward. Some of the retaliation that the Bush administration has done to me includes sending the FBI to my home on July 6,2005 to Illegally Confiscate my Department of Defense ID Card. Here is the receipt I was given for it by FBI Special Agent Lance Boyer.
Greg Szymanski wrote an article about the FBI raid on my home to include calling the FBI Office who confirmed that they had gone to my home and Confiscated my DoD ID Card but wouldnot discuss the Legality of their actions.
After three months of Lawyers refusing to represent me I requested an investigation be done by the Seattle Office of the US Marshal who reviewed my incident report and forwarded it to the US Attorney's Office for further investigation. US Attorney General Gonzales did nothing with my request.
More recently in January of 2008 the Bush administration sent two Secret Service Agents to my home to Harass and Threaten me and then a couple of months later had the FBI contact me again.
In response to these acts I complained to US Attorney General Mukasey and Rep.Ron Paul; neither of which replied even after repeated contacts. (so much for Ron Paul and his follow the Law policy)
Recently I traveled to Tempe,Az to meet Jesse Ventura at his book signing at Changing Hands Bookstore on September 10,2008. I brought for him a letter explaining the 1976 US Military Study information, the Mariani Lawsuit, retaliation by the Bush administration and the Censorship by Kevin Barrett (who he recently supported for US Congress) and the 9-11 truth movement. He reluctantly took it but hasnot replied that he even read it in these past four weeks.

If you locate any of the members of C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army 1975 -76 you can contact me at Timothy734@webtv.net Below is the list of names that I could remember and any information about the people that I have.C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army 1975-76Lt.Michael Teague (Long Island,NY and US Army Rangers Association member) Col.Robert Morrison (he was on a PBS program about Viet Nam a couple of years before 9-11-01) Maj.Joe Dipiero, SgtMaj.Mackay, Sgt.Riggs, Ssg.Middleton (Philadelphia,Pa) Ssg.Frank Murray, Ssg.Wolford, 1stSgt.Ray (Oklahoma) Ssg.Jackson, Ssg.Brown, Sgt.Jorge Arroyo (Washington State) Sgt.Terry Henderson (South Carolina) Sgt.Buck (North Carolina) Sgt.Broder, Sgt.Steadman, Sgt.John Spears, Sgt.Taraza, Sgt.Meralas, Sgt.Garza, Sgt.Coker, Sgt.Edwards, Sgt.Sam Handley (Oklahoma) Cpl. / Spc. Wisner (Alabama and he was a nephew of George Wallace) Cpl.Pickett (he and his cousins were on an all American High School Football Team in the early 1970's and they were called the "Pickett Fence" since they were all linemen) Ricky Lyons (New York State) Dan Henderson, George Cinch, Jake Asuit (Utah) Robert "Rick" Bruns (Kansas City,Mo area) Bruce Levine, Richard Seanz (Phoenix,Az) Thomas Gumbs (Virgin Islands) Sam Icono, Berni Domoski, Terry Cook, Michael Hubert (Chicago,Il) Martain Seals, Dennis Montoya (Denver,Co) Jack Fetch (Indiana) Bill Gully, Harry Walgren, Bodan Bodonivich (Cleveland,Oh)

US DoD Agent,Timothy S. McNiven"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


that's the link to the dead forum of craig lazo aka killtown.


much fail. no surprise.