Wednesday, October 8, 2008

9/11 Truthers attacking the innocent

9/11 Truthers have been around since before the Towers fell. They are an extremist group and are very radical in the way they tell stories of 9/11 to other people who aren't mindful of the real truth or facts that have been laid out. They twist up comments from the 9/11 Survivors and take some of their words out of context. They will constantly lie about material to get their views across.

Greatest of lies: That 9/11 was an Inside Job done by our Government.

In all respects 9/11 wasn't an Inside Job. Reguardless if you think it might be but in reality it isn't. In a court of law it states that in order for something to be proven it must have evidence to back up the story or claim that has been filed. If there is no evidence then the story or claim can not be made as being truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your principle about being innocent until proven guilty in a court of law is just as applicable to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah and Osama bin Laden as to anyone else.

In fact when Taliban offered to turn over Osama for trial, the US refused the deal. Instead we bombed the hell out of a country that was no threat to us, and then allowed Osama and 5500 other al Qaeda and Taliban fighters to escape into Pakistan.