Thursday, October 16, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Why Not To Be A 9/11 Truther

1: They make videos for profit or politcal gain.
2: They lie to the public with false statements.
3: They claim to have evidence but don't show it. Why hide it?
4: They try to debunk the debunkers but can't come up with new ideas.
5: They bribe people to help lie about 9/11. They probably do!
6: They accuse the Government and the Country for a crime they didn't commit.
7: They harass/beat up innocent people who don't agree with them or their theories. Look up "9/11 Truther Attacks Wheelchair Bond Teenager".
8: They go to Ground Zero to protest on almost 3,000 graves on the 9/11 Anniversaries. Which is why the News doesn't cover their story.
9: They say the same theories over and over like a broken record.

And the top tenth reason why not to be a 9/11 Truther is:

10: Because you can never win with a Debunker who has evidence to shut you up and to make you talk like a child when confronted with evidence.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So what's wrong with making a video to make a political point? Have you
got something against democracy?

Google "Condi Lied" and tell me what's wrong about that video there.

Anonymous said...

Also, I note you have a youtube channel. So when truthers make videos to make political points it's bad, but when you do the same thing it's not?